About Us

Mr. Chandra moli Rathi

Prop. Kapilansh Traders


Chandramoli Rathi is a son of a businessman was born in 1995 after completed his apprenticeship in 2014 he join his family business. Now he established his new firm name KAPILANSH TRADERS. The fashion among the wealthy of the period was to have pristine white complexions; tanned faces were associated with those who work outdoors. SHINE SHREE found that his product were frequently being used to cover up damage caused by the harshness of the soaps and other beauty products that were in general use at the time, many of which contained arsenic or lead. SHINE SHREE began to experiment with soap purification and eventually managed to produce a gentle soap based on glycerine, alovera & coconut oil and other natural products. The clarity of the soap gave it a novel transparent appearance, which provided a marketing advantage. To add to the appeal, SHINE SHREE gave the soap an aroma reminiscent.

SHINE SHREE soap was made using a process entirely different from that for other soaps. A mixture of 100% percentage natural products using glycerine, alovera, coconut oil, essential oil and natural products.

The entire SHINE SHREE plant was a small almost self-contained annexe at the rear of the administration block. It was run by a handful of staff, who not only had experience of the specialised process, but had developed immunity to the effects of breathing the alcohol-laden atmosphere in the building. Bars of soap produced in the factory come in different sizes: Nowadays the soap comes in various fragrance like Orange, Lemon, Neem Tulsi, Alovera, Kesar, Goat Milk White, Natural Mix, Strawberry, Rose, Chandan and many more. Each variety has a unique aroma.

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